"Bagha Jatin," directed by Arun Roy, comprises an ensemble cast. Dev plays the titular role, while debutant Sreeja Dutta plays the role of Indubala, and Sudipta Chakraborty plays the role of the Honorable. The film strikes a perfect balance between class and mass moments. The action sequences are well choreographed, and despite subpar VFX (considering the film's budget is only 5 crore), it's relatively negligible. The screenplay of the first half is very engaging, but the second half feels rushed. The music and background score by Nilayan Chatterjee are top-notch, and Gopi Bhagat's cinematography is an absolute delight for the eyes. The film introduces many lesser-known or completely unknown historical characters. If you're a history enthusiast, you'll remain engaged throughout the film. Returning to the acting department, Dev delivers his career-best performance without a doubt. Sudipta Chakraborty is an ace actor, with her subtle contributions enriching the film. Debutant Sreeja is excellent in her limited screen time. Other important characters are portrayed by numerous stage and debutant actors who gave their heart and soul to their roles. However, there are some factual errors in the film, and the narration could have been much better. The scene with the tiger falls flat, which could have been the film's highlight. The high points of the film were poorly executed. Overall, it's a brave attempt that deserves box office success. I recommend going to your nearest theater to watch it; you won't be disappointed.