Straight Thinking!
In response to what I see on Ancient Aliens, (FB) I have questions?
GOD: Who is God?
If God is a person, He would now be over 4 Billion years old, according to scientists who now claim Planet Earth is 4.534 Billion years old.
1) Planet Earths new age estimate is likely closer to the truth than previous estimates.
2) I suppose a God who could create the universe could live forever – but 4 billion years?
3) Would God, as a person, be in Heaven judging us, especially since it is written we are made in His likeness – Perfect and sinless? What is there to judge? Isn’t He God of love?
4) If God can see both good and bad then He would be as conflicted as His subjects, us.
5) If God is as conflicted as His subjects, then there is no God! Why? Either He is perfect, as one would expect a God to be or He is dualistic and judgmental, able to see good and bad – and there is no God!
Einstein was the first to split a subatomic particle down to its source and discovered: Pure Vibrating Light – the Source of everything! (Fact).
1) Pure Vibrating Light (PVL) sends out wave forms of probability that have an intellectual Intelligence and able to communicate even if bent, broken, or separated. (fact).
2) PVL is energy – energy has frequencies – frequencies fluctuate – depending on the level of energy, i.e. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was discovered by increasing the energy. (fact).
3) The higher the energy, the closer to PVL – Low energy we join the negative ego. (fact).
The idea of a God sitting on a Throne in Heaven is a concept everyone can embrace.
The fact Energy is the source of everything is a scientific fact.
When subscribing to the concept of a God this allows alternative interpretations of right and wrong. We are eternally beholden to begging for forgiveness and accepting we can never be sure we are living up to God’s expectations.
When endorsing the concept of energy as a Higher Power we know when we are operating on positive energy. Just as we are aware when we have allowed ourselves to slip below the positive and into the home of the negative ego.
The Payoff: Those who manage a positive level will move on, those who hover in the ego will reincarnate until they ‘get it.’
This makes us responsible for our own Happiness! No blame, no shame!
Opinion – based on facts!