I am honestly very disturbed by this movie. Let me explain:
First of all, I am an avid dog and GERBIL lover.
This sick excuse of a movie, shows a woman by the name of Emelie putting Sally’s innocent and harmless gerbil into Jake’s python’s box. Long story short, the gerbil was killed by the python. This scene SCARRED ME. First of all, I am twice as tall as Emelie, if I were to be present at that scene where the gerbil meets death, I would’ve barged inside, kick Emelie in the face, save the gerbil, and then proceed to smash Emelie’s face with a huge metal box. I know my review sounds crazy, but I am shook. I am SCARRED. I actually go to therapy now because of this. I hope the director got what he wanted. I have fits because of this movie now. I take meds prescribed by a psychiatrist now because Of this.