I really wanted to like this game, but it is so broken. How does something like this even get released in this shape? And after the years of delays?
The campaign is god-awful boring with the lead Orlock, Flynn, having terrible voice acting. I think I got to ~chapter 10 before I scrapped it and started playing Operations.
Operations is fun in terms of the character building for your gang, persistent effects, and leveling, but that’s about it. Customization options are cool, but it’s be a lot better with more options. Some sort of execution mechanic for final strikes would have been a fun option to keep the kills fresh, but in its current state I’m sure that would have just led to more crashes and freezing.
The worst AI I’ve seen in a very long time. Beyond getting stuck on most terrain it just constantly wastes moves. Is there a destructible barrier in front of the extraction point? Don’t worry, the models will load their arms with whatever mcguffin retrievable it needs and then go and stand in front of the barrier and wait for you to kill it.
And those retrievables? Yeah, sometimes you simply can’t interact with them at all. Kill the other teams and then lose the match because you can’t pick the batteries or whatever up.
The concept was great, but the execution is so bad it’s just amazing. Maybe by the time the next gen consoles are retiring this pos will be patched enough to be playable, but I wouldn’t bet on it.