This movie is good, great hand animated style and plot is good and has some fun, sad and funny moments. Be warned though it has death, magic and some slightly complex plot lines so if you have young kids watching, around age 5, you might have some questions about what's happening; nothing bad though. My only complaint is this, spoiler below.
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Jesper gets screwed over in the end, like I understand he has kids. But the dude spent the same 12 years helping him deliver the presents and he even had his name engraved on the sled with Klaus. Yet Klaus gets to become an immortal man with magical powers to make and deliver presents. Like could have made Jesper the first elf or something with his wife and kids. Would have still worked, he stays and helps monitor the town as part of his Christmas duties. Like thanks for the help Jesper but us magical spirits only have enough magic for one man. That is the only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars.