Season 4 ssssssuuuuucccckkkkssssss.
Long gone are the innocently awful restrained but eccentric characters we knew and loved, now they’ve been replaced with extremely disturbingly lewd jokes, a story line in the wall that makes no sense or connection to the past 3 seasons or how they got there with a wall within a wall, the new voice for korvo is ok but the things he says don’t seem as korvoesque so that kind of takes away from it. The somewhat forced and strained interactions between terry and korvo has always been kept off screen and it was better that way, now they are uncharacteristically and grossly involved all of a sudden, and as fun as Aisha is, there isn’t enough there for a whole storyline. It was better with her popping in as needed but not taking over. The season was already strained without Justin’s voice, but maybe his involvement or presence in the show or for character direction was a lot greater than originally thought because this is just a serialized incredibly gross pastiche of its original vibe. Maybe they’ll have to Justin back before they completely ruin all the writing and character development on this show because this season was awful.