Boring and Pay to Win online.
FIFA the original definer of pay to win esports and the start of the 'hardly a difference' series of EA Sports entry level games for youngsters coming off F@rtnite, when the 'try hard' esports culture kids come off the F@rtnite for the first time this is that precise transition game.
Pro Clubs is do-able to play as your solo created character and always great when you have a team of International Football loving friends, often found amongst the high school crowd where they actually have soccer fields and it is familiar, the older gamer crowd will have a hard time understanding the complex menu and frustrated lack of control where it is needed most and hidden menus for essential functions.
Blanketed currently by an EA Game wide mega message about Black Lives Matter is clearly due to the diversity based hiring practices of EA and throughout this developers history of systematic sympathizing schemata, it does merge over into the gameplay mechanics and I feel as if I am being graded on my 'diversity sympathy level' as a player quite often.
About FUT - The Playing Card Matches, first off International Football Playing Cards haven't crossed my eye much in many a store shelf and if they were there they weren't in my face enough to proclaim the popularity of such a product, heh I know Topps does Baseball but Soccer not so much, but anyway I just tested it and it is rife pay to win centered nearly all the players took it serious since 2k15 or whatever and there are no newbs, so make sure your a huge sports-betting grade Soccer Fan or else you get smashed with a basic team by a super elite well managed organized super micro managed I can't stand the tedium ESports hopeful, and damn boredom has led us to forming ESports Culture, there's a language all it's own and remember simpler times??? Geez.
But the single Player campaign, Spanish league and euro league is fun just buy the EA Access and do those 3 styles, one manager save, one Spanish League save and one Euro League save, voila! Good enough! That's if your not a Sweat.