I’ll be honest I don’t understand the positive reviews, I wanted this game to be great and start a series that would complete with Batman but instead we get what we get here. this game like so many of its genre just seem like a fast cash grab. I played it to the end to give a honest review and the disappointment from the lost potential this game had. Instead of fun missions outside of the short story line they just have a wash and repeat style levels. If you played one you pretty much played them all. They have different locations on the map like it matters. They are all the same, I had a lot of glitches on top of it. Overall the game seemed like it did just enough with the characters to build hype but fell way short on the missions. Also who wants to play as a hulk who can be downed equally as easy as any other hero you play with. They didn’t capture the hero’s individually other than moves and specials. and all the stores inventory is mostly locked and I for one am not playing the same boring missions over and over and over and over with every character just to unlock some skin that’s a slightly different color than the last or gangster hulk. I think the hype was not equal to the actual game. If feels like a really good mobile game at its best. It’s fun to play as the characters which is why I didn’t go one star but the levels are trash and the story is short. I would say it’s worth playing when it’s a $20 game. People saying this is the best game they ever played I think are plants to sell the game haha every one has their own opinion on a good game but details and depth could had made this game amazing. It felt rushed like the game is helping you to just get it over with. I’m more mad at the disappointment than the game. I loved the characters but hated the game.