The trailer is better than the movie, the movie was not at all comparable to the Sopranos tv show. I almost stopped watching the movie a couple of times but wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. Great actors in the movie but terrible direction the movie took. For example when Dickie got killed they never showed the killer unless I just tuned that part out but in the sopranos they said it was a police officer who killed Chris's dad. They did not at all focus on Tony Soprano or what his life would be like growing up it was basically just everyone else lives and irrelevant people. I? had high expectations for this movie especially if you are going to try and use the Tony Soprano/Gandolfini name it should of been a top notch movie and David Chase as good as he is kinda dropped the ball on this one. At this point should just leave it alone and let the memories lie where they lie with the Soprano Family.