I wasn't expecting much from this movie even though I enjoyed the games over the years, Movies out of video games have never been good at all, just have to watch street fighter to see that. This movie was really good.. it kept a great pace the whole time and had details in their that if you didn't know about the games would help a lot.. a few people from work said they watched it and was disappointed, I would really love to see the movie they plan on making.
the character design was really well done. just like each game they mix the costumes slightly and the story. so when you watched the characters in this movie you thought. yeah that looks like kano.. or insert any character. the reason how humans can have super powers was very smart and made sense unlike other movies or the original.
I would gladly watch it again and I don't normally watch movies twice anymore unlike when I was young.
Remember no movie is going to fix the worlds problems, Just go in there and and enjoy it for what it is.