This book has influenced my life in a very positive way. However, I am offended and outraged by how the author uses this journey to exercise discrimination against the German people (but I know the author is hurt and angry, so I won’t judge him). It is done in a secretive and undermining way and he should be ashamed of himself to sink to such a low level while having the honor and opportunity to document this incredible meeting of two very wise human beings. I will happily look passed the vengeful thinking of the Jewish author, who is obviously giving in to selfish reasons to use this book to seek justice for his people, in contradiction to the purpose of what the Dalai Lama and the archbishop are teaching, and recommend this book to everyone. In that action itself, the author demonstrates exactly what this book is meant to overcome. Thank you for writing this book though and therefore enabling us to find better ways to look at things and act more kindly to our fellow human beings.