I wanted to love the move. missy can be fun sometimes, in a crazy kind of way. i was upset he didnt get to be with his dream girl, miss maryland. they had so much in common and tbh i was hoping missy would find love elsewhere. ive read some of the reviews and that seems not to be the case :'/ but aside from that... this movie is dreadful. it made me sick to my stomach how much they tried to play the sexual assaults and rape off as jokes. sexual assault and rape will never be funny, no matter who's the one doing it. it was just tasteless. i had to stop about 40ish minutes in cause there had been two cases of this so far and i didnt want to experience more.
it's upsetting to see people defending it cause it "wasn't that bad" or "it's just a comedy," as if being label "just a joke" excuses portraying bad things for laughs. i'm just disappointing at the potential of the movie, and disgusted that we're still getting "assault for laughs" type of comedy.