This is a a good blend of Sci-Fi and Drama. You get slowly attached to each character's story arc. I'm usually into more fast pace sci-fi, but this was a refreshing change. Enough sci-fi, to remain in this category, but the dramatic elements keep you wanting more. A good binge, if you're looking for something different.
The Persian family - 98% drama elements
Japanese Arc - 70% Drama 30 % critical sci-fi
Soldier arc - Mostly action at first (his acting kinda annoys me sometimes though)
Kids arc - 80% Drama, 20% critical sci-fi (probably less actually)
The drama elements pull you into the cause of each character, so you root for them most of the time. The sci-fi elements are mostly borrowed, so nothing you won't be unfamiliar with if you're into this genre. If you're not expecting cutting edge science, and original alien arcs, you'll find it okay.
Not sure it's worth a 2nd season, as i think it could go downhill quite easily unless they write a killer story. Still a worthy watch if you're not super picky