I don’t know if i can even explain what i didn’t like, there’s just too much wrong with it for it to be likeable. Maybe for kids who are like 10-12, but as a (semi) serious DC film? No, no it just doesn’t work.
Here just some of the cons for this film:
- The CGI was abysmal, especially since the film cost 150mil.
- It messes up the timeline and re-makes the original characters from the comics in such a way that the film would be unidentifiable as a DC film had WW not been there.
- The majority of the characters have weak motivations and show (if any) poor development.
- WW herself is a little off, especially since in Justice League - which is set 30 years after WW84 - she doesn't fly at all, and her character is completely different.
- The choreography is not good. Simply put; it is completely unsatisfying, makes both Diana and Barbara look awkward, and doesn’t accurately display the power that both of the main characters have (kind of like the foght between Rey and Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens).
- The movie is waaayyy too long.
There is so much more that i could say about this film, but i have other stuff to do. Watching it was a waste of 2.5hrs, and i do not recommend it if you’re trying to watch even just a decent film.