I’m a massive Star Wars fan and I’ve had this game a week - I’m bored of it already and pretty disappointed.
There is a bunch of great things about it, without a doubt. The planets are brilliantly designed and have plenty of cool little secrets. So many of the creatures caught me off guard and genuinely had me jumping. The combat is decent, if you can ignore the lack of light saber logic (it’s basically a shiny bat unless you’re fighting certain creatures). The main story is enjoyable and well thought out and you can, eventually, really feel like a badass Jedi carving through anything that stands in your way - which is about 80% of what I want in a Star Wars game.
BUT, it all just feels a bit lazy and thrown together for me. I didn’t expect to have flown through the main story in less than a week, especially when that’s all you’ve got (and I have a child, and a full time job, so you know I’ve not been on it 24/7). I’m cool with their ‘no multiplayer’ approach, but I expected a much more in-depth story than what we got. GTA V managed a huge main story with tones of secondary stuff to do with multiplayer and that was brought out 6 years ago, on older hardware, so it’s not impossible. Whilst the planets you can explore are great, there’s really not enough to go at. We were sold a ‘free roam’ type game and actually got four and a bit planets that you can fully explore in a week without trying too hard. Back to light sabers for a second - when my characters weapon of choice can cut through everything...I want to be able to cut through everything. There’s got to be a way of keeping the game challenging whilst staying true to how a light saber actually works.
It’s a huge shame this game left me thinking ‘is that it?!’ because it has so much potential to be mind blowing. It feels a bit like the producers have assumed it’s going to be successful just because it has ‘Star Wars’ in the title and that’s just not cool, or good enough.