It's not perfect, but it's better than many of these nit-pickers would have you believe.
1. There is no need for ground based vehicles, so that's not a valid complaint. Plus, Bethesda never said those were going to be included.
2. I dislike space combat games entirely, so for me the space combat is perfectly tuned to easy. If that's not your Forte, go play Tie Fighters or whatever other space based combat games already exist. Also, again this isn't a valid complaint. Bethesda never claimed this was going to be anything more than it is.
3. You only need to visit a system once to fast travel to it, this includes planets too. Just turn on the scanner, point and click to fast travel. This is how fast travel works in every Bethesda RPG, so there is no need to complain about flying too much. Also, again, not a valid complaint.
4. Are there bugs? Surely they are, but nothing like backwards flying dragons or giants that yeet you into the stratosphere, so, yet again, not a valid complaint.
5. It's better than No Man's Sky.
I have seen more than a few people complaining about things that are easily fixed with a quick visit to the options menu. If you don't have anything constructive to say, you don't have to say anything at all. I feel like people are just complaining to complain much like people do IRL. These people's reviews are the only things boring and unoriginal about this game's release.
Go make a better game, otherwise consider sitting in silence.
My one complaint is that it's almost a waste of time to create a character as you don't speak, and if you play in first person like myself, it's pretty pointless.
4 out of 5 stars, I did this so that that one reviewer complaining about not being able to rate it zero stars now technically the game has one zero star review. Your welcome buddy! Lol