I have been watching The Chi since the beginning and I have really enjoyed it from the start! I have mad respect for Lena Waithe and I understand that she does not write or direct all episodes of the Chi, HOWEVER this show still reflects her brand. I am very disappointed in the storyline where one character has been recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I am a SURVIVOR, who had an aggressive form of breast cancer with a long family history of breast cancer… my mother died of metastatic breast cancer and two of her sisters died of BC as well…I cared for my mother for two years before she died so I know breast cancer…. I was appalled by how this storyline misses the mark in so many ways. When you (writer/director) attempt to tackle such a critical subject matter please, please, please get real technical advisors! As the storyline has been written and executed thus far it verbalized what appears to be a late diagnosis due to a lump that was apparent for a long time but it purports to be early stage!! Then the woman is claiming her impending death and is so hysterical it’s unnecessarily scary and incongruent with an early stage breast cancer diagnosis. This is partly why so many women especially women of color don’t seek medical care when they suspect Breast Cancer and that’s unfortunate. They think it’s a death sentence out the gate and it’s not! There’s just so much wrong with this storyline... Make this storyline a series of teachable moments.…Reach out to a cross section of real survivors and medical personal and talk about the successes and mix in there unfortunate losses as well; talk about body image after various treatments/procedures; talk about support systems or the lack thereof; etc. Since y’all done felt strongly enough about exploring the subject matter make it realistic to the point that you positively impact a life or a few lives and create a better understanding with your viewers. Show women that although they may be in the battle of their lives they are STRONG and they are FIGHTERS so they serve as role models for their daughters and nieces and friends who might be hopeless if faced with the same situation. Make it REAL. Please…Much respect for you Ms Waithe. Get them writers together on such an important topic. 🙏🏽