I actually bought this from my school's bookstore a little more than a month ago since it was a requirement. We were given three papers to write our reader response journal in, one for chapters 1-10, one for chapters 11-20, and the last one for chapters 21-31. For the first month, I actually found the book uninteresting and boring, since I couldn't get past the first chapter at all. But when our teacher introduced a comprehension check this week, I began to get serious and started reading it.
I started over again; began taking down notes and reading summaries every day before the comprehensive check so that I'm prepared. Our teacher also told us to make connections in the text; either from our life experiences or other books we've read. I approached the book that way and found myself enjoying it all throughout. I noticed how chapters 1-10 reminded me of my early childhood in elementary school and chapters 11-20 about some other texts I read before (I haven't reached chapters 21-31 by the time I'm writing this).
Like what people said, this book is either a hit or a miss. It was a hit for me if you can't already tell.