Needs to be unique , the best word to describe the show is lacking. It's not that the show doesn't present an interesting idea or decent animation but its something that has been done a million times and done better. The first scene in episode 1 alone is bare bones, awkward and lacks anything to draw a viewer in.
(Anyone who gave this show 5 stars is a bot probably or has never watched a real anime)
(I would be happy to give any who ask ten animes that have been more inspired.)
Originality in the show is none existent in the writing. It's like watching characters dictate exposition to you for half an episode. Then the writers having no idea how to handle a character having an emotional crisis. Doing almost nothing to hook the viewer into the show.
Do not watch this show if you like anime . There is an extreme level of dedication that goes into the work of any animation and I do try my best to realize that but I want to hold creators to a standard if they want to make anime and this show is below that for me. The show had potential and the people who worked on this show could make a great show someday, except for the writers go back to high school and take creative writing. Just because your older than a high-schooler doesn't mean you can write better than one.