Great game. I finished it in 33 hours. i played for 12 hours at a time for 2 days.
The graphics on this game are amazing. The game play is a lot of fun. I enjoy trying to be stealth and take out all of the enemies opposed to doing a run and gun. Although the gunfire is fun and seeing the bullet wounds is always awesome. People's heads, arms, hands all blown off. It's a pretty gruesome game as expected.
As for the story, i really enjoyed it. I know the reviews are bad, but from someone who loved the first game and couldn't wait for the second one to release i really enjoyed it. I did not watch or read any spoilers, i went into the game with high expectations based off of how the first game was and it was just as amazing. Every time i thought it was over, it kept going! i never thought the game would end.
I don't want to spoil the story for anyone. It's just nice to get a full picture of what is going on.
If you haven't played the game and aren't just because you read reviews by someone who hadn't played or beat it yet, you are missing out. I suggest playing the game and making your own decision. I was not disappointed and i cannot wait to play it again.
There is new game +, chapter select, and encounter select. I was very pleased to find all 3 of those included into the game.