This entertaining film shows the range Audrey had & never got to use until she had a leading man like Albert Finney . They are looking back into their marriage of 10 yrs . Some of the marriage is beautiful & fun but when her husband gets a break in his career as an architect their lifestyle begins to change . This means kissing up to an influential businessman loaded with opportunities for husband to jump on . He begins to neglect his family including their daughter who came along during their 10 years of marriage . This is not new it’s happens to a lot of married couples . Her husband on the way to a meeting has a quick overnight fling with a beautiful woman for only one night sex . Later Audrey has an affair a bit more serious with a French man ,it doesn’t last long but Albert knows about it & Audrey admits they had sex & she enjoyed it but soon after she said she loved Albert too much & came back . Now here’s where real life enters can he ever really forgive her even knowing he had a meaningless fling & hers was serious . The movie has many other entertaining parts in it to make it fun especially the beginning & when they travel a short time with a very uptight family on vacation . I think this was one of Audrey’s best acting films if not the best & Finney clicked beautiful with her . Of course the other was The Nuns Story .Audrey had all the things a woman wishes for beauty , Charm , Grace , Humility. Style & was a great natural actress .