I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I've waited years for this remake & the first trailer was so promising.
Even when the big plot twist was revealed in the 2nd trailer I still went into it excited & hopeful.
But in the end, I left feeling disappointed. The movie had so much potential, but never really became the movie it set out to be.
The actors (both human & feline) were great. The setting itself was wonderful. And the effects were awesome. But to me, it still missed it's mark.
It never delved into the relationships that were so vital to the story (like the bond between Lewis & Judd or the complicated relationship Lewis had with his in-laws). It also never conveyed that same emotional horror and overall feeling of dread that the book & original movie managed to deliver so strongly.
Was it creepy? Sure. If you really have no expectations and are not familar with the story, you'll enjoy it.
But as someone who loves the book & the 1989 movie, I was left wanting to go home & rewatch the original...