This isnt he man. This is just on first episode please tell me, is this he man without he man if so i dont want to waste my time, surely kevin smith wouldn't do that its career suicide. I liked the battle and animation in first episode hense 4 stars but if he man is gone then im out. I hope its not going to be preaching to me like alot of stuff from Hollywood celebrities who are out of touch, thankfully in real life you dont come across these people who have no bearing on reality for us so called normies. Ill watch a few more and return to review it im worrid its gonna be preaching trash. Just struggled to watch the rest theres no he man, skeletor and now orko its not masters of the universe without them they dont deserve 1 star. why cant boys have a cartoon these days why are they all for girls what was wrong with girls likeing she ra and boys likeing he man or we all like them both, whats wrong with having men in lead roles it doesn't hurt anyone. Everything gets spoilt these days everything has an agenda just make a good show. Kevin smith has commited career suicide all he man fans will be furious not a good move in my opinion.