Hello, I am a female that owns a garbage business and I am permitted in NJ and 12 municipalities in New York State. I am the only woman that holds an A901 permit in New Jersey to be able to haul municipal solid waste and construction and demolition debris. I am very found of Meghan Mclain as she holds back when she does not like what the other ladies say on The View. I love the way she picks and chooses what she wants nor dislikes what is said. You always no when she is not interested on what the other ladies are saying and promoting. My point is you do not get any were if you are a niece person always in business. As President Donald Trump. I believe he is doing a fabulous job and look forward to nominating him in 2020. He has done more for this country in three years than any other president has done. It is easy to criticize, Most people do. Before he got in to office I felt very strongly that we needed a business man to run for President and he did.
Very Thankfully,
Monica DiBella
President, Sterling Carting, Inc
Sterling Recycling, Inc.