There was something about it that made me want to watch it again and again..
Trying to pick up on the narrative, the story behind the story...The dystopian future where she gets to be in control, not a sex object, and becomes a freedom fighter as a militant leader of sorts.
It is all so "dark" one wonders if she's made all this horror up in her head; and what is "real" & what is a creation of her extremely disquieted mind?!...
I found it a fascinating look at the issue of rape/molestation, mental health and the austerity of the facilities that only serve to make mental illness worse! Also corruption, a feeling of being "cut off" from any kind of "normalcy", which creates or worsens PTSD in patients.
Then there's the world which she makes up which is rich in symbolism and the desperation she feels to be strong, in control, and a useful member of society in a world where there is a definate "right and wrong".
Anyone who brushed all this and much more aside, is missing out ..and just doesn't "get it"!!