I agree with this statement that this movie is better than the Whedon's version. Obviously but this movie isn't the movie which was planned by Zack way back in 2017. It feels overstuffed with a lot of things and doesn't hold them up to the end. Definitely like all the Snyder fans they think that visuals make a movie great but it isn't. Yes but the visuals are actually good but sometimes it feels really bad like the CG DARKSEID. He doesn't look real. The problem with CGI is that you only notice it when it's bad. And now the Snyder problem as always. Snyder let his visuals tell the story instead he should let his story to show the visuals. This movie shouldn't even exist because it proves that toxic fandoms could win. Snyder fans are the most vocal fans community among all the CBM directors and according to them everything Snyder makes is a masterpiece but in real it isn't. The only directors who made real masterpieces in this genre are James mangold(Logan), Sam Raimi (Spider-Man 2) and Christopher Nolan(the dark knight). Directors like Russo brothers are also great becoz they have made really great movies like The Winter Soldier, civil war, infinity war and endgame that's why they are the most successful director in this genre. I don't feel any other director who had achieved such greatness for their work like all of these. Toxicity can't beat superiority. That's it.