I like & recommend this show.I know it helps millions & thank you everyone that has worked so hard to spread His Holly Word .Although I would like to comment on Pat's answer to the person with neurological problems. I had severe neurotically problems a little over a year ago ,still have some & will always to an extent. Pat, I'm appalled at the judgemental & as I see it cruel answer for about 5 months I sometimes could NOT get up off my butt ; nerves can cause unbearable ,excruciating pain causing parts of your body to go numb & like wires tied to your muscles ,pulling & stabbing .It can effect your mind ,the drs don't care just want to run tests they are to lazy to explain ,no answers,no mercy ,all about the almighty buck.Your left in the dark with no hope , just incredible unrelenting pain you don't under stand.Ithought Christians were to show compassion & mercy ! I've been there & I wanted to get up so badly & finally have by God's grace this person is looking for help ,their confused & worn out from this unbearable , continuous pain ,maybe a kind answer & a gentle prodding,for Pete sales, you think you're so much better you have no mercy .Look up severe nerve pain .But you don't know the full impact till it's you, & I pray you never have to experience it this person is very alone & very , very scared!!!