I truly loved it!, when you've read so much about her life up and down, front and back...as raw as it was this movie showed the dark and saddest part of her life, the dirty truth about the "golden era" of Hollywood where many actresses and actors slept with directors and movie producers to obtain a movie deal, how no-one spoke about the sexual abuses/rape and rather normalized this behavior as something you have to deal with as the "price of fame". This movie brought light to the scenes captured by paparazzis unveiling the sad truth of her "mental breakdowns" for the loss of her pregnancies that God Forbid!! the public knew it happened and ruin her career!!., could it be that she probably suffered from borderline personality? Norma Jean being one and Marylin another person trapped in the same body? It's probable...sadly there was no real medical diagnosis back thrn and every woman suffereing from depression was deemed mentally unstable. I appreciate this movie greatly for what it portrayed. Ana De Armas made one amazing Marylin Monroe!! 👏 🤩😍 it was like seeing the real Marilyn back to life!! and to have the last scenes filmed in her actual house it was so priceless for someone like me whom only appreciated its beauty only on pictures...wait! That wasn't inside her real house?? Whoa! They didn'tspare in any detail!!! Rest in Peace Norma Jean