Spoiler warning-
All in all the film was good however there were a few parts I didn’t like.
1) The final battle with Rey beating big papa Palpatine completely nullifies the ending of ep 6 and Anakin died in vain, we can only assume that Rey is now the chosen one. The saga is about Anakin supposedly so not having him in the film is a huge mistake.
2) Anakin should’ve turned Ben to the light not Han, it didn’t really make much sense as he’s a not a force user never mind has learnt how to transcend his spirit to become a force ghost.
3) The opening scene when Palpatine said he made Snoke was basically a throw away line to get it out of the way and it was never really explained why he had like 3 Snokes in some yellow tub.
4) The bit in Ach-To felt slightly rushed but I thought it was a great scene nonetheless.
5) Finn having the force was never fully explained, hopefully however they do a spin off on him as his character was very good this film.
6) I am by no means whatsoever a Reylo fan but I really don’t think they should’ve killed Ben, it felt slightly depressing for what should’ve been the biggest most happy ending and the culmination of a 40 year saga, and now all the Skywalker’s are dead.
7) What was the point of Rey having a training montage at the beginning, like we all know she’s not got any weaknesses and doesn’t need to train. She can beat Luke Skywalker and Kylo seen while never training but can’t beat the training droid. I also thought her pulling the ship out of the air was extremely over powered of her and Kylo.
8)I thought the actual ending scene was beautiful and the fitting end with the twin sunsets. However Rey shouldn’t have taken the Skywalker name, for no reason other than I just don’t really like her.
Despite all of these I thought the film was great and had many fun moments along with a mixture of sadness and thrill. I also though Adam Driver did a superb job as he always does, he’s extremely underrated and should have many awards and achievements in the years to come