This show is dangerous propaganda produced by both SONY and AMAZON and I question why this racist hallucination was created??!!.
I lived through the 50s and 60s and our nation is not the same nation as it was then. I lived in an ethnically mixed middle class neighborhood. And as a young teen I traveled daily to school through low income neighborhoods where front doors were missing in wintertime. I saw more than I needed to see. I also competed in school and in sports with the children from those neighborhoods and I was angered when I would witness unfairness. The protests last summer 2020 demonstrated that other Americans feel equally as angry when they witness unfairness. Lets get back to the reality of fixing these problems without horrifically over-dramatizing them. I fail to see the entertainment value of this program (THEM). The US will be 49.7% white in 2045...I wonder how engendering hate against any one race will play out in the many decades to come. As a nation we are far better than this and we will need to be better still in the future. Rather than degrade and demonize, we will always need to lift each other up. Lets stop the hate right now.