The series looks cool and I like that I can be immersed in the mythology of another culture (Filipino) but unfortunately the writing and direction are pretty weak. Rather than taking the time to establish characters and the world we're stepping into, the first episode feels like you tuned into the middle of the series. With a very perfunctory bit of explication the show is off to the races with a lead that we've had no chance to establish any kind of a connection to and who seems emotionally flat. There's also no real effort to establish any kind of an atmosphere. Although there's some real color to the diverse underworld, we're not really given a chance to be horrified by anything, which seems essential for an anime in the horror genre. Things just move too quickly without taking the time to let it all sink in. The show's creators could learn a lot by watching Neflix's most successful anime to date (which also happens to be in the Horror genre), "Castlevania".