I liked it, but I am a huge fan of the original so I am a bit biased, the film is fun and a little gory.
I felt it was a bit rushed and messy and I feel it lacks a soul just like its main antagonist, it lacks a soul.
But what is a soul, and can an AI ever have one, that and the idea of Ai going rouge is interesting. I also like robots and loved the idea of robots being conscious and living with us, so it hit the spot. Overall I think that if you are a Chucky fan, you will enjoy it, or if you like a bit of horror and sci-fi concepts such as AI and consciousness.
It is far less dark than the original concept, gearing towards an almost teenage audience, turning into an ''it'' movie in the end with friends dealing with the issue. I like the original concept better, but enjoyed this movie as it feeds off it, with its music notes, and little details, I enjoyed it as a fan.