Your broadcast on November 1, 2020 was very disappointing! Here we are two days before a presidential election in our country and your stories were very biased. The first story about a comedian of Chinese dissent (who was openly a Biden supporter) who talked about how China and this election. It would have been much better to have an expert on China speak on this topic -- perhaps a university professor whose expertise is China. Not some random person with a definite bias. The second story had a guest who was part of the Obama administration. She talked about things in Israel. In her opinion, things aren't going well. First of all, how can she be unbiased in her opinion and thoughts on the matter. There was no mention of the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's praise for our President's work there over the last four years. I turned the program off after these two stories. It is so obvious of your bias and where your allegiance lies. Two days before the election -- why not put voters minds at ease by covering how the elections are safe. Our local station did a story about what happens after you put your ballot in the local ballot box. Where it goes and how they ensure the safety of the ballot and the voting process. But if you are going to have stories about the candidates, then make the reporting equal. Where is the story about Tara Reade? Where is the interview with Tony Bobulinski?
The obligation of a journalist and a reporting news program is to cover the stories and the news in an unbiased way. This viewer is extremely disappointed!