Sorry, mistake. I am not a regular listener, but I hoped to find phone number to make a call to protest the viewpoint made, today, and the fact that we of the "right" are continuously cartoon-ized and the ELEPHANT in the room, the dangers and dumbing-down of society by LEFT Activism - i.e., the blind followers of what is deemed "progressive" for America - but true "progressive-ism would require a wake-up ( WOKE? ! ) to this mentality, which has partial knowledge of what Liberty means ( yes, the FOUNDERs' hard work, worthiness, intellectualism, wisdom, NON-materialistic lifestyles ) - and history does not begin with the spoiled-brat 60's imagery that the "youth" of today seem to revere. I've lived in Chicago since '68 - voted for Richard Nixon. By 1974 Moderate Republicans urged him to resign - why? Due to the political pummeling of Media - hence, the "moderate" [ politically-needing-to-be-portrayed-as-nice-guy-Republicans. Who, being wealthy, acquiesced to DEM Machine Media pressure / Leftist hammering, and although - yes - definably "nice" were these Moderates were not manly but weak. [ "Manly" being a common phrase-description of Founders' era of uprightness, honorable-ness ] So, yes, "nice" - but, having never been poor, they were unable to relate to poorer, even indigent Americans, also Republicans, who voted for Nixon. Rather, they allowed themselves to become intimidated by Powerful Media, rather than take into account the viewpoint of all of America, who had no FORUM, nor chose not to be "organized activists" - but lovers of peace and decency. In fact, since the 30's the pursuit of destruction of American system has gained power, and is well-disguised in efforts to deceive, play both sides, and all deviousness that low-life politics can achieve, for Power. That evil, the violent, the bullies - as we're aware as of recent months - "smell blood" and their [ Leftist, dangerous, destructive, underworld-organized-crime-gang-violence- useful-idiot-conduct and Mantras are foisted onto Society, and courage is lacking to confront truth of this conduct. Note also the dumbing-down propagation by those in high academia: the steady pursuit of - yes - enemies of U.S. So, DEMs who love money and Pork and Power, have been the handmaidens, along with Media and selfish materialistic "youth" [ not all youth, mind you, since some are Christians, seekers of Truth - yes, I said it. Are you mightily offended, now? Ha ] - the evil has grown, and the answer is to heed what humble Americans believe and desire - it's the same as for common citizenry, the same as Founders desired for America- Pursuit of happiness, avoidance of War - and avoidance of group-think Factions. DEM Party's strategy [ "for" the People ] is passé. Time for actual "United-ness" under truth-seeking individualism, and a wake-up for youth who may suffer under a terrible future "regime" of "fascism from the LEFT". ( Huey Long said this, before he was assassinated ) Thank you.