I'll surrender more of my privacy rights, to append a comment of this fascinating documentary. If I didn't eat fish already, I'd be a fool not to question why after watching this; it's wonderful. Well done for being that voice which has been silenced for years through ignorance or otherwise.
Let me be up front. If I had a big red button to... (how can I say this timidly)... make all human life on this planet disappear, I wouldn't hesitate in pushing it. We're the parasites of Earth.
And this documentary reinforces that notion. However, as lovely as our extinction would be, it's quite unlikely to happen in the near future. So the next best thing is to do what we can in HOPE that our children's future will be better lived than our present time. That being said, I'm very doubtful.
I probably sound a bit mad but if you can answer one question for me, I'll stop to question my own notion. That question is;
Can you tell me ONE THING that humans have ever done to benefit the planet, and the planet alone. One of which that isn't a response to a previous damaging action.
This is rhetorical, obviously, because 1) you can't reply and 2) there isn't an answer.