While we struggle with race in our culture, this book does little to help the conversation. Instead if encouraging children to interact with others on an equal basis as we look to the future, this book wants them to judge each other solely by their skin color. White is bad oppressor now and forever, people of color have always been oppressed and will be forever. Our history, along with most countries on earth, includes cruel injustices that were wrong, especially when viewed only through modern eyes and mores. I would like to see us as a society acknowledge history, acknowledge some progress, acknowledge we still have work to do, and commit to taking necessary steps toward a bright future for all. Stop focusing only on past wrongs that can’t be changed and let’s work together on what can be changed. I still believe our imperfect history, although written by imperfect white men, can lead to a more perfect union if we come together to make it happen. As this white supremacy doctrine is being forced upon children as young as pre-kindergarten, I don’t want my grandchildren to judge anyone by the color of their skin but would rather they are given the opportunity and encouraged to get to know them as individuals and judge them on deeper criteria, by their words and actions. As someone who grew up in the south during the 50’s and 60’s, I do not want to see us as a country go backwards. So much of what I see being lauded and promoted by far left ideologues is myopic and harmful, doing more to again separate us rather than encourage equality and bring us together so we can move forward.