You and everyone else has been saying today what a great guy Bob Dole was. Am I the only one who remembers him saying to a reporter the night Clinton was elected that he would block everything Clinton tried to do and make sure he failed and he would make sure Clinton was gone before the next election, does anyone wonder how Monica Lewinsky got a job in the Whitehouse so easily. Did that sound like a great American patriot?
And also, you and others keep repeating the Republican line that Biden is at fault for all the problems in the country. Did none of you listen to John Boehner's last interview when he retired? He spoke the truth for the only time in his life when he was asked if he worried about being called the do nothing congress, he said the public doesn't expect Republicans to accomplish anything, all they have to do is block the Democrats from doing anything and then blame the Democrats for it. He said if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it's true. Did you ever listen to Trump?