You guys need to update this game. The game has been updated since A YEAR AGO! There are towers of glitches and bugs, and now your players are now exploiting your game. Your game is so broken that the news feed wasn’t working for like 3 months! And yet you still don’t care about us and you get a cash grab from us. You are so greedy! You care about money and nothing else. Why? Because you are overcharging premium. I have the premium set, but I still worry about the others! And you then pull the plug on us. How rude! And even you keep the insulting “nobody wants to see that” message. I really wish you could do better, but you don’t care. Pull the plug on Sansar and start fixing blocksworld!
UPDATE: Welp, they did it, they have shut down blocksworld for iOS, and it has been removed from the app store. This game had so much potential at the start, but they have ruined it. The blocksworld secondary server on Steam is the only glimmer of life in this dead game.