May be the worst movie I have paid to see at the movie theater in years. I couldn't get an emotional connection with any of the characters, so I felt no tension when they were in danger. When the main characters suffered "loss" and showed their emotional pain to the camera, I was indifferent.
Also, they wrote Caesar to be like Jesus, but it was cringe. The only character in the movie I felt even remotely interested in was the Orangutan Raka, but even he couldn't make me like this movie and my emotional connection to him was, meh, never mind, I was indifferent to him as well.
I DONT WANT TO BE INDIFFERENT to the protagonist(s).
Hello Hollywood!, not counting concession, I spent the equivalent of a month's streaming cost for this in-the-theatre-experience movie and I wish I hadn't. If you want people to come to the theater to see movies, you HAVE TO DO BETTER. The ROI is really upside down. I spent most of my adult life being a movie goer. Movies like this will put a stop to that. I urge movie goers to spend their money elsewhere or on a different movie. Don't pay for this at the theater. Send them a message to do better.