This game became game for kids under 13. One mistake and you will get harassed, by someone GUARANTEED. I think this game is run by little kids also because now you will be put in TIMEOUT before you can connect right away regardless of YOUR ISSUE. If you get DC'ed before the game start and other players end the game by the time you reconnect, you will be put in TIMEOUT. It was never like that before and it used to be fun, but now it's just LITTLE KIDS PLAYING and MANAGING the platform. Don't waste your time playing this game. You could be playing other games. The game it self is very nice, but it's the people that you play with and the Technical Support system is very messed up and because of this issue i am stopping to play this game for good. i am level 63 in this game by the way. WASTED, so much time to quit over something so RIDICULOUS which i know RIOT/LEAGUE DO NOT CARE about. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME LIKE I DID, unless you are a little kid who has nothing better to do, then be my guest and waste your time on this game. GG RIOT/LEAGE.