I cringed so hard I cried. Kitty Kat character was so fricken annoying and ignorant I wanted to punch myself. Ted or whatever legit did nothing wrong but always had to clean up after her and then in the end she had the audacity to say that 'we' (meaning her, Ted and Santa) all saved christmas TOGETHER! When in reality it was just Ted who did EVERYTHING. This was one of the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune of viewing in my entire life, please if you want to keep your sanity and any self respect you may have, do NOT watch this film. I would rather watch the movie Elf on repeat for 7 weeks than view this film again. That particularly disturbing scene when Kitty Kat was in the big sac made me cringe so much I had to pause the film and take a break. If I saw correctly, five elves were FLOSSING which is just disgraceful. The storyline was so unoriginal I was able to predict everything that happened within the first 10 minutes of viewing. Also, I was very confused as to the age of Kitty Kat as she appeared to be between the ages of 10 and 13 however I am not sure. Just another note, that jail scene with Santa was most disturbing. I can just thank my lucky stars that I was not viewing this with young children. It was way over the top and I found it personally degrading that those women were being sexualised in such a manner. This film would have ruin my childhood if I had the misfortune of viewing it about 10 years ago. This movie made me so grateful that my TV has a mute option, just saying.