Honestly, I tried to get into this movie but I could not do so. If this our creative adventure for the next decade, I am not interested. It is very convoluted and I am lost with its plot. Just like Jamie Curtis said when she read the script, she was lost and was confused about this plot.
We have had enough confusion in our lives for now. Please Hollywood you are better than this script.
BTW the song for this movie is just terrible, they can't carry a note.
It is hard to believe that it received so many awards.. Very disappointing...
I will stick with Amazon, Apple and NetFlix for now.
I just want to add one more thing, we had other contenders like Elvis where Austin Butler worked for over one year plus to get his role down and the academy decided this was better script, give me a break.
This movie is like a B movie. I am done with the Academy Awards, I will not be watching this show next year. The academy is so out of touch. Black people were totally ignored, as usual.. Done.