Moxie, a movie based on a book by Jennifer Mathieu, is the story of a shy teenager-- inspired by her mom’s rebellious past, and confident new friend-- who publishes an anonymous booklet calling out sexism at her school.
With high risks of getting expelled, will she be able to make a difference and cross out inequality at her school?
Vivian is the shy type of girl who always sits at the back of the class. She does as she’s told, avoids arguments, and keeps her head down.
As the character grows, Vivian becomes increasingly confident, she starts standing her ground and breaking the rules, she says what’s on her mind, and holds her head up high, and finally, she overcomes her fear of public speaking.
The movie was okay. I liked the concepts of feminism and rebellion against society, and the overall message.
At some moments, scenes were pretty dramatic and unrealistic. They could have been represented better.
I would recommend this movie to children and young teenagers.