I wasn't 'open minded' as such before watching the series, as being from the UK, I wasn't fully aware of the background to what I now know of how he took a knee. Something that I really don't see a problem with to be honest.
There are many cities the have become far more diverse in the last decade thankfully. As a white male, I would never pretend to know the daily issues and have seen them 1st hand of friends. Although growing up in a city and neighbourhood that was predominantly Asian, I certainly know the feeling of being the minority and can assure that racism is unfortunately a disease that is inherited by propaganda, fear of change and social acceptance and that can be seen from people in any race.
Growing up in an area that a had far more Asian cultural background. I have as many black and Asian friends as I do white. Some of which I would class as family and both I and them would still drop anything to help even at the age of 40 years old and don't see each other as often as we would like these days.
I can tell you now that I have experienced as much racism from many small minded Asian elders in the past. Fortunately my group of friends where much more open minded and had the most diverse group of friends you could wish for. Its a really shame this can't be more widely accepted.
Whislt I do not for a minute doubt that Colin suffered from the ignorance of 'acceptable racism'. The small stereo types when, for example, someone may go out of their way to point out to them they have no problem with them, not realising how uncomfortable this was for friends of mine I have seen happen many times. He just ruins the platform he had by sounding like a spoilt whining brat.
I grew up with nothing and so did many of the black and Asian friends that I grew up with. Whilst they certainly have many experiences of racism, they certainly don't blame literally every single thing that didn't go their way in life on this, Yet this guy, for me, used the series to whine about what happened to HIM and was nothing more than exploiting his opertunity with self pity. I completely lost respect or believe for his views because of his continued whining and one minded view that literally everything thst went wrong in his life was because he was black. And I knkw black friends that grew up with nothing that feel exactly the same! As others have said, the point right from the start comparing football selection to slavery! I mean the ignorance of this to other black people that grew up in poverty. I'm sure the same process happens for both black, white, Asians?? I literally lost respect for believing his story from that point
Use the platform to show the unacceptable racism and show how some white people making a point to show how they are not racist in many situations, is ironically racist. Instead of trying to educate to change mindset, you literally created even more divide which is pretty sad.
It certainly did not create any divide with myself as I see a person as a person. I can certainly see how this will simply fuel even more racism and there will be many both white and black that will be even more divided due to this series.
He spent most of the series pointing out how he wasn't selected for football and how as if people telling him to concentrate on baseball was some sort of racial thing? You ever think you just might have been better at baseball! Given the ratio of black to white football players, I found it hard to believe this had anything to do with race