Getting really sick of you putting down white artists. The backstreet boys were a real hit for a long time and they still are! And you put them down? Plus she put down the Beatles? Really they still are famous! Getting really sick of you putting down white artists that were very famous! Get real! I think maybe you better start interviewing some white people on your show getting really sick of it! Getting really tired of you, guys putting down white people and their artistry! Oh, and do you know what it’s not just about Black people in this world there’s white people here to And I think it’s about time that you recognize us as well! I know you guys have been put on the back burner but now you’re putting us on the back burner as well and I’m getting really tired of it! Why can’t you put a happy medium? Do you know there’s been a hype about Black people as well? What about Tina Turner? And Michael Jackson? You know there’s been a hype about white people and Black people and sorry, but the Backstreet Boys are still famous, so quit, putting down their songs, and quit putting them down! Same with the Beatles! I think it’s about time you start interviewing some white people on your show!