The plot is confusing & why at start of an episode Nicola asks her sulky brat ‘What’s the new therapist like’ -What new therapist? I thought they both liked the guy therapist the brat had before. No explanation. And after finishing investigating at a scene in some derelict part of town, Nicola gets into her car to leave, her offsider asks her if she wants a coffee. Yes she says & gets in her car to leave…& he walks off -where is he going to get a coffee? Is she really going to wait 30mins while the guy searches for a cafe? This is written by a Nick Walker…is Nicola the writer? Or her son or hubby? Plotting has holes in it, dialogue is often lame (trying to be funny?) Lectures on Norse mythology & bridges etc is unnecessary & irrelevant & there’s too much angsty ‘relationship stuff’ by everyone. Is this a Friday night crime drama or someone’s first draft of a soap?