Don't mind the the few 1 star reviews by people who clearly don't know what they are talking about. This show, while terrifying, but at the same time, strangely beautiful, is a spotlight into the plight of human, and puts forth the worst of our subconscious. The humor is crushingly dark and can be lost on those who do not have the mental capacity, (I'm looking at you few 1 star reviews.) said people will certainly not get the importance of what is being conveyed to them. It is stark and ugly, but also surreal and humorous. The humor is not for everyone, but that does not make it terrible. Those of you who gave this show any less than a three are clearly not the target audience for this show, and should stick to new episodes of Family Guy and The Simpsons.The only reason I give it anything less than a 5 is because I hold other shows by these creators on higher pedestals. The only thing wrong with it is that it has the potential to become too real for certain people and can cause anxiety in some, especially if it hits too close to home for you.