Boring boring boring .....
the whole thing could be wraped up in at most 8 episodes and the lead charachters' chemistery is juuuuustttt awfullll.The lead female acts like a 10 y/o, and I think a middle aged experienced man after that long shouldn't fall for THAT, I mean DUDE what interested you?
It's actually veryyy funny, I mean the guy is basicly 1000 y/o old and rich and well traveled and a 19 y/o poor school girl is hiiis fiiirrsst LOVE dude I am 20 and I have 20 crushes basicly you couldn't manage to like someone in thousend years ?? How thhheee heeeell is that possible? laugh emojies laugh emojies ....
and what made me laugh was bunch of people whose only worry in life was that these two peolpe get together,I mean don't you have work to DO?
and I know the show is fictional but it's just waaaaay too much.
It's too slow and predictable.The love story is cringy and too much and a chliche , it basicly bores you and makes you naushas.
It's waaaaaaaay over rated, do not fall for the IMDB score!
I think in hell they make you watch it thousend times over and over again!!!!
I gave it two stars because of grim reaper and sunny's love story and the grim reaper and goblin's friendship is cute, also the music is good.
P.S the script writer has the mind of a pedophile :)