I read the comic, which was awesome, and this TV version of Sweet Tooth is just as amazing! They did an astounding job of adapting the source material and it works beautifully. The acting is superb and the the show is visually stunning. Sweet Tooth is by far one of the best book-to-film adaptions I've seen in at least 15 years. You do not need to be a comic book fan, reader, or even have knowledge of comics in any way to fall in love with this show. Given the past year and a half we have lived through and in some ways are still living in, now is the perfect time for this show to come out, and maybe even give us all a little bit of the hope and optimistic outlook that is central to Sweet Tooth.
UPDATE: 06/09/2021 I feel that I should add some context this review really quick. First, off I must say that the show is not a direct book-to-film adaptation. The overall story is pretty much beat for beat but there are some changes to some characters backgrounds and motivations as well as one character that is unique to the series. After watching and then rereading the comic, I will say that from my point of view none of the changes or additions to the story harm it or degrade it from the comic version. Instead I truely believe that they vastly improve the story and the characters and make the overall tale of GUS and crew more relatable, more accessable, and overall more hopeful. Some may complain that the show isn't as dark or as morbid or as emotionally bleak as the comic. I'd say that's true but it is done for the betterment of the story and the characters as a whole. There are enough bleak, morbid, hopeless tales that have been very popular over the decades and some are amazing and some are pretty cookie cutter. To change the tone of the comic when making the show, especially after the last year and some months that the world has been through, is to make it all the more interesting and realistic, relatable. Sorry for the long update but I felt that I needed to mention all that based on some complaints I've read. Thanks and enjoy whatever you watch.