I think the judge should STOP YELLING. She doesn’t tolerate back talk from litigants, of which, litigants should respect the court & not yell out but if the judge is screaming at the litigants, how does she think she’s not going to get a reaction back, being treated like that, from a judge. There’s a difference between being a firm judge & over yelling in the courtroom for the next door courtroom can hear, duh. The judge is supposed to ask questions & listen to an answer but 3 words into an answer the judge interrupts with another question & 3 words into that answer, the judge interrupts that answer with, yet, another question for like 5 x’s. It’s a TV show, we want to hear the story, & yes there are stupid excuses, but that’s what TV is. It’s entertainment. I want to hear the story, NOT YELLING, and she wonders why litigants get frustrated & answer back. Do you watch what you produce?